Tuesday, October 12

In the beginning... a starting place

To appreciate where we are going helps to know where we are.

Currently, like many organizations that have global employees, there is tons of travel to getting to the place where ground training is held. When this occurs, sales and service staff are displaced from their "profit center" for a week, thus not earning revenues. While in the formal class, whiteboard and all, it is difficult to field business calls, and focus on instruction. Secondly, often the instruction is presented in a manner that we have had in grade school, without a tremendous amount of participation. The content of the material tends to be factual, and is presented by the "experts," but lacks sufficient real-life stories or scenarios to give much substance.

When the sales and service staff are now f2f with a customer, often the material in the class has been forgotten. The material made sense then, but in reality it didn't give enough to make it "second nature.' Although there were hands-on with the actual equipment, that was in a lab.

There has to be a better way...


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