Monday, December 13

Virtual Reality 5th Dimension

Getting my feet wet, the question was how could VR be commercialized?

I came across a supplier of VR equipment and software in Irvine, CA. Fifth Dimension Technology is found: . This company develops, produces and distributes VR hardware, sofware and systems. They currently have a number of training programs and various fields.

They discuss a couple methods of providing the 3D effect, a) use of three computer monitors, desktop VR, b) use of head-mounted display, immersive VR. The monitors would be least costly, but will not reflect the lifelike qualities as the head-mounted display, nor as portable. The head-mounted unit provides greater immersion than the monitors. If objects need to be touched, or moved, this may be accomplished by a data glove.

Affordability. The 3-D head-mounted display is about $3,000 to $5,000 each. The software product is another matter, and some examples showed prices up to $40,000, maybe more. However, the displays may be shipped within regional sales organizations; shipped directly to the salespersons residence when training is needed.

Fifth Dimension Technology Links

3D Multiple monitors

Head mounted display

Data Glove:

In summary, there is a probably method to provide training to the salesforce.
